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In the Spotlight with Arriba: The Fusion of UX and SEO in a Manchester Agency

At Manchester Digital, 我们喜欢采访我们的会员,以了解更多全球最大的博彩平台他们在大全球最大的博彩平台数字和技术领域所做的工作. This week we're speaking with Chris Regan, Managing Director at Arriba.


在成立该机构时,我们拥有广泛的技能和提供各种服务的潜力. 然而,我们选择专业化,并通过我们独特的方法在拥挤的市场中脱颖而出. Two key insights drove our decision to start a UX-focused SEO agency:

Adding Value for Our Customers.

Our primary aim is to deliver tangible value to our clients. 将用户体验整合到我们的SEO服务中,使我们能够直接影响对客户最重要的指标, such as increasing leads, 销售, or sign-ups. This approach ensures that our SEO efforts go beyond just driving traffic; they create engaging and effective user journeys that lead to real business opportunities.

Aligning Our Vision With Search Engines

我们认识到,搜索引擎的核心目标是为用户提供最好的搜索结果. Every algorithm update they make pushes towards enhancing their user experience. 以用户体验为中心的策略使我们的努力与搜索引擎的目标保持一致. 这些结果提高了我们客户的网站,以及他们将产生的流量转化为客户的能力,并预测和适应未来搜索引擎算法的变化.


最常见的误解是,公司经常带着一个先入为主的概念来找我们,SEO主要关注流量等指标, 排名, or even backlinks. 通常,这种心态源于广泛的研究或他们从竞争对手那里听到的宣传. While these metrics are essential, they can lead clients down a rabbit hole away from their primary goal.

在Arriba, 我们引导我们的客户从这个兔子洞回到他们首先考虑SEO的真正原因-发展他们的业务. Because of our unique approach, 我们可以将重点从传统的SEO指标转移到实际的业务成果上, whether it's increasing leads, boosting 销售, or enhancing sign-ups. We help our clients understand that while traffic and 排名 are valuable, they are a means to an end, not the end itself. Our strategy is SEO to drive tangible business growth, aligning our efforts with their ultimate business goals. 这种观点的转变对于帮助我们的客户将SEO视为排名练习和整体营销策略的基本组成部分至关重要.


A Manchester-based manufacturing business approached us, facing challenges with its outdated templated website. 虽然他们的网站转换得很好,在设计上与行业标准相当, it fell short in user experience and search engine visibility for key terms.

Our strategy involved redesigning the website, 从通用的模板方法转向反映品牌身份和价值观的设计. We organised the product range to enhance clarity and navigability, 确保客户能够直接理解和探索产品. Additionally, 我们定制了call-to-action (CTA)按钮,以配合目标受众的多种首选联系方式.

Following the launch of the redesigned website, we immediately observed a significant increase in conversion rate, consistent across various contact methods such as forms, 电子邮件, and phone calls.

在重组网站时,我们从单一/产品/目录下的广泛而不太直观的全球最大的博彩平台转向了更合乎逻辑和用户友好的层次结构. 我们简化了导航,使其更直接地探索产品范围,同时策略性地将SEO力量引导回主要类别页面, which targeted the most valuable keywords.

The impact on the client's business has been truly transformative. Last year, the company celebrated its best-ever 销售 year. While not solely attributable to our efforts, the leads generated by an improved website have certainly been a factor. 在所有网站访问者中,转化率惊人地翻了一番,每月一直超过4%. 此外,该网站的流量也大幅增长,同比增长36%. 这些指标证明了我们实施的战略变革的有效性,并突出了一个优化良好、用户友好的网站在推动业务增长方面的作用.

For Manchester’s growing digital ecosystem, 在优化网站存在方面,你仍然看到最多的技能或心态差距是什么?为什么它很重要?


Focusing on the user isn’t a new concept; search engines have been promoting this guidance for a long time. 仍然, 许多人忽略了这一点,并试图逆向工程算法和排名因素,以玩弄系统和偷工减料. This results in web pages with poor user experience, making information difficult to find and content too overwhelming to digest.

In the past 18 months, we’ve seen massive efforts from the search engines to clean up these tactics, 进一步推动他们以用户为中心的指导,更新他们的算法,防止这些方法的有效性. Despite this, 许多人仍然试图解读指南的字里行间,转而采用他们找到的捷径.

I’ve always felt that our UX-focused SEO service gives us that competitive advantage. We don’t cut corners, our approach aligns well with the guidance from search engines, and we have a track record of building sustainable results that won’t be penalised. 然而, this mindset gap does pose a danger to our industry, 它破坏了许多企业对该行业的信任,这些企业采用了这些策略,并受到算法更新的打击. When pitching against other companies that use these spammy methods, the client is given conflicting information and is stuck on whom to trust.

If you could pick one main thing you hope to gain from this community, whether it’s connections, visibility, etc what would it be and why?

我们来这里是为了与其他全球最大的博彩平台的企业建立联系,互相帮助. Feel free to reach out; I’d love to connect and see how we can work together.

Thank you Chris!

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